What is the average sales price on South Main Street?
For 2006, the average sales price for a home on South Main Street has been $254,000, more than double from last year's average of $123,000.

  How many properties are there on South Main Street?
The are a total of 140 Structures on South Main Street.
  How many properties on South Main Street are Multiple Family Dwellings?
About 40% of the properties on South Main Street are multi-family homes, however, there are currently only 14 Row Houses that are being used as single family homes and remaining Row Houses have been converted into multi family dwellings.
 How old are the properties on South Main Street?
A majority of the structures on South Main Street were built between 1825 and 1850.
  How long is South Main Street?
South Main Street is approximately 1.25 miles long.
 What is the population of Geneva?
There is approximately 13,000 people in the City of Geneva and 3,000 people in the Town of Geneva, for a total population of 16,000 people.
 What colleges are in the area?
Hobart & William Smith Colleges and Finger Lakes Community College
 How much do apartments rent for on South Main Street?
On average, apartments rent for $600/month, However, some of the high-end apartments on South Main Street can rent for as much as $1,200/month.
What are some of the attractions in the area?
South Main Street is only a short walk away from Downtown Geneva: Dining, Shopping, Taverns and Entertainment
How can I become a member of the Geneva Historical Society?
To become a member of the Geneva Historical Society, please call: (315) 789-5151 or email: info@genevahistoricalsociety.com
Recommended Visits:


  Downtown Geneva

  City of Geneva

  Chamber of Commerce

Finger Lakes
  Finger Lakes Area
  Finger Lakes Wine

Real Estate
  Finger Lakes Properties

  Finger Lakes Rentals

More Options:

  Tour South Main St

  For Sale

  Recently Sold






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